
Major Culvert works in Old Lane

Major Culvert works in Old Lane

The City Council will be carrying out some investigation and repair work to the Nut Brook Culvert over the next couple of weeks starting week commencing 13 February 2012.

The work will be between the toll bridge and Darley Street. To do the work we will need to close the parking area at Darley Street and stop on street parking between Darley Street and the toll bridge.

The work will require them to put traffic signals at the junction of Old Lane and Darley Street and at the far side of the toll bridge to allow traffic to pass the works safely. This will inevitably cause some traffic queuing during busy periods. We will try and keep disruption to a minimum.

If you have any questions please contact Murray Parker, Project Engineer, Neighbourhoods, Derby City Council, Derby City Council, Saxon House, Heritage Gate, Friary Street, Derby DE1 1AN.| Tel: 01332 641800 

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